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Imagem do perfil Professor Borba
Desenho de uma coruja com chapéu de formatura


Teacher Training

The Anatomy of the      

English Language Student

Este curso destina-se a professores de idiomas em qualquer nível de experiência ou treinamento profissional, promovendo eficácia e flexibilidade às suas aulas.
Todos os elementos do curso são fundamentados em Speech Engineering - Engenharia da Fala.


Session 1​
1.1 The Evolution of English Teaching as a Second Language
1.2 The Natural Approach
1.3 Learner Independence
1.4 Learning in Organic Integration: an Integrated Approach to this Methodology
1.5 Characterization of the Linguistic Apparatus
1.6 Linguistic Mechanisms
1.7 Sound and Language
1.8 Linguistic Habits versus Information about Language
1.9 Introduction to Methodology
1.10 Sound and Meaning
1.11 Introduction to Techniques
1.12 Frequency of Contact

Session 2
2.1 Motivation
2.2 Why Students Drop Out
2.3 Characterization of the English Language
2.4 Linguistic Unity
2.5 Linguistic Development in Networks


Session 3
3.1 Fluency as a Tool for Learning
3.2 Rhythm and Timing
3.3  Use of Loud Voice / Low Voice
3.4  General Oral Apparatus Positioning (GOAP)
3.5 Imitation Training
3.6  Development of GOAP

Session 4
4.1 Correction Control Mechanism
4.2 Patterns Versus Isolated Items
4.3 Short Utterances
4.4 Pronunciation as a Tool for Learning
4.5 Incorporate Vowel Sounds
4.6 Auditive Fluency
4.7 Textless Reading

Session 5
5.1 English Sound-Mechanisms
5.2 Subjectivation Theory
5.3 Generate Fluency
5.4 Generate Stress and Intonation


Session 6
6.1 Order of Factors
6.2 Translation
6.3 Participation for Meaning
6.4 Develop Habit Control
6.5 Obey Order of Factors
6.6 Positive Translation Exercises
6.7 Participation Exercises


Session 7
7.1 Input, Silent Period and Emergence
7.2 Develop Terminology Recoding Mechanism
7.3 Develop Orthography


Session 8
8.1 Knowledge versus Training
8.2 Coding and Transcoding
8.3 Develop Time Definition Mechanism (TDM)
8.4 Keep Linguistic Unity

Session 9
9.1 Provide Input, Observe Silent Period and Emerge
9.2 The  Anatomy and Physiology of Memory
9.1 Subjectivate
9.2 Finger Anchoring


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